Wednesday, June 8, 2011

JustBloggering 2.0

Yo, Syazwan here. I know you haven't heard from me in over 2 months! Well, I'm sorry for not updating my blog over that period. It's not that I was busy, but I was just lazy. The boredom of the holidays has motivated me to reboot my blog as "JustBloggering 2.0". That's right, 2.0. Oh yeah, and the banner is gone, so all you'll see is simple text. It might seem boring to you, but that's how I feel it should be like.

I'm gonna post more stuff, and in the process, also improve my English. And yes, I think writing a blog actually helped me in my English last year. No, it's not funny. I'm just kidding, you can laugh all you want. Fine, I know you're know laughing, STFU.

Incase you wanted to see the old banner, here it is:

Iknowright, it sucks.

Well, that's all I have to say for the moment. Don't worry, a new post is coming up soon, and it's about someone special in my life. (: That exact person should know who I mean. :D 


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