Saturday, August 28, 2010


DREAMS. Dreams, if you do not know, is something that you have every time you fall asleep. Believe it or not, you actually get 3 dreams per night in a 7-hour sleep night. The thing is, you only remember 1 of those 3 dreams. Sometimes, you might not even know that you have the other two. The best way to remember dreams is to get woken up during deep sleep while enjoying a dream. However, the hard part is knowing EXACTLY when you are enjoying a dream. Nobody can tell. You might just be having an unknown dream.


If you don't rememeber the dream when you wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy, you just need a case of Deja Vu. A DREAMS case of Deja Vu. Deja Vu is when you see something related to your memory and then you suddenly remember. Let me give you an example. I once dreamt that I was at 7-11 (It's a store and more(more as in overpriced stuff)). I didn't remember the dream that morning when I woke up but when I went to 7-11 in the evening, I suddenly remembered. That is only one case of Deja Vu.

Let me give you another example, one that is probably more understandable. Ok, let's say that you see this celebrity on television. I don't know what channel you're watching. History Channel, MTV, Discovery Channel, Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, ESPN, E!. Then, you want to wiki about this celebrity to know more about him/her. And know more about how him/her started. A few hours later, you get on the computer. But, you get so caught up with the fun stuff that you do on your PC/Mac, you forget to wiki. The next day, you see the celeb on TV again. You then remember that you wanted to wiki that celeb. That is Deja Vu.


Now, I'm pretty sure that everybody has had some weird dreams. You've probably dreamed of animals attacking you, falling, jumping, going to the toilet and peeing, etc. Yet, for some reason, you dream about them. Why? Before I go to that, I'm gonna elaborate on the toilet part. Like, I dreamt 3 times that I went to the toilet to pee. I could actually feel myself peeing and I know exactly that it was a dream. The first time, I peed and I literally peed myself in bed! xD!!! Fortunately, the other 2 times, I didn't wet myself. Yay! =D

Next. Sometimes, you have those weird dreams. Why? I can tell you exactly why. Whenever you dream, everything is part of your memory. It might not be an exact memory, though. You may dream about your girlfriend, animals, violence, some other crazy stuff. If you see a bear wielding a chainsaw in your dream, you're screwed. If that was real. Even though you have never ever seen a bear wielding a chainsaw, not even with photoshop, it's perfectly normal. Why? Because the dreams don't rely on your exact memory, it actually combines several elements. But, if there really was a bear wielding a chainsaw, you're in FlashForward. 

Now, you're probably asking, "Hey! If everything I dream is a part of my memory, why do I have some unknown guy in my dream?"

As I said earlier, dreams come from your memory. The thing is, that 'unknown' guy in your memory is actually someone you have seen in real life. You just don't remember seeing him. A good example is crowds. Whenever you go through a crowd, you see the face of lots of people. You really can't recall the face of any one of those people. But, it is actually registered in your brain.


  1. You remember the person better when you see a video or see the person 'live' than when in pictures.
  2. If you dream about aliens, your mindset is much about aliens. This is NOT recommended.
  3. Dreams give you the feeling of happiness because you have a fantasy of something that you can never have while being fully conscious. You can do whatever you like.
  4. Justin Bieber sucks. This is ''SOME RANDOM FACTS" isn't it?
  5. You get 3 dreams per 7-hour sleep period. You mostly remember only one.
  6. Deja Vu helps. :D
  7. Clicking the "Follow" button at the top there would help. Promoting my blog would also help, thank you.
  8. This is actually a repeat post. If you go through my archive, this post is actually one of my first posts. All I did is elaborated on what I made before using my skills that I learnt from blogging. I turned 1 paragraph into somewhat of a chapter of a book.

This is the end of the topic. Thank you for reading this, if you actually read it. 

2010 is such a fun year. FIFA World Cup, YOG, F1 w/ Schumi...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What you should do on your part.

If you're one of the 1300+ people who have visited my blog. Whether it was through Facebook, Failbook comments, FailBlog comments, GraphJam comments, etc. Basically comments that I have posted on any of the Cheezburger website. If you're one of the people adding up to the 1700+ total un-unique IP visits, also keep reading. Basically, you should just keep reading this post. Right heeerrreeee.....


Thank you for reading the section above. If you haven't, you're... what's that word I'm looking for? "FAKE AND GAY!" Lol. Kidding. Just go and read the section beloowwww. Wait, no. Above. Above. But, this is not the section you are looking for! Assuming you were actually looking for something, that is. It's right belllooowwww.


You 1300+ people have been coming to my blog. Some of you( around 300 to be exact) have come to my blog more than once. Thanks for that. I get a weekly hit-counter summary for each so it can be quite confusing on which one is which. But what matters is the big numbers.

If you have been reading the top 3 paragraphs, you have probably guessed that this will soon come to something. You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!! I wanted to say... talk to this blog to your friends! Use this blog as your website when posting a comment on Cheezburger sites or anywhere else! Feel free to use the website for your comment posting! Tell this blog to your pet rock, your other pet rock, Shane Dawson, RayWilliamJohnson, the guy that works at WalMart, your mom, your other mom, your alcoholic dad, those dancing squirrels, squirells with SQUAIDS, that red headed guy, Fatty Spins, Kevin Smith, Lady GaGa, Avril Lavigne, Britney Spears, Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward, me, my friend's friend, Glee, Your favourite EPL club, the EPL club that you hate, spammers, advertisers, Dan Brown pogobat, smosh, Davedays or anybody else. The point is, just tell someone about this blog! Get hit counter to over 9000!!!
1337 non-unique hits! Leet non-unique hits! l33t non-unique hits!

I would really appreciate it if you do that. I have my own brand of humor. I call it "YouTubrid" because I get lots of my jokes from YouTube celebrities and videos. My teacher once said, "Good writers copy other writers' materials." So, what she means is that you should void Copyrights. Nah, jk. What she really meant was as in like, get good phrases from other writers.

YOG is almost over! :O

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Prelim Results

This post comes fairly late but meh. Better late than never. It comes like....1 week after I get my whole prelim results. Here I go. This is the first time I'm writing about it. I didn't even post about it on Facebook.


Let's start. Start with my Engrrish.

My English results are the highest(Like they always are). No, I'm serious. I always get highest for English. Not kidding. For my Oral Examination(talking w/ examiner not the other one u pervs), I scored 22/30. For each component I got  8 8 6 for Reading passage, picture discussion and conversation respectively. It's lower by my SA1 result by 1 mark but, meh. For my paper 1, I scored lower for my composition. Now, what's 37 minus 13.5? 24.5! No, 23.5. :(. I scored 13.5 for Situational Writing. 14 and 13 respectively. All because of that 2nd Examiner. I hate you. For my Listening Comprehension, I scored 18/20. Meh. Nobody got full marks so it's OK. Now for my Paper 2. I got a total of 85.5/95. My highest ever and 1 more mark means I get A* for that paper. Scored 29 for Booklet A and...56.5 for booklet B. Correct me if my Maths is wrong. CHOW OUTSIDE!


Now for the subject that is actually my weakest component. Mother Tongue or in my case, Malay.

For Oral Examination, I scored my lowest ever. 28/50. Pretty much just passed it. If I failed, I would probably be the only one in my whole level to fail. I got lucky that time. Hahaha. And, the examiner's comments actually said that I skipped one whole paragraph in the reading passage! WTF. Now for Paper 1. My Paper 1 showed definite improvement from SA1. I scored 24.5/40. 7 mark improvement from SA1 of 17.5/40. I failed that time. My "Kefahaman Mendengar". MACAM FAHAM! Lol. Got 14/20. Better than what I expected. Now Paper 2. A result that I haven't gotten since CA1. I laugh at CAs now. Muahahahaha. 72/90! Scored 12/20 for the Kefahaman. Once again, MACAM FAHAM!


Now for my Science and Mathematics results.

The two results are actually....the same. I'll start off with Maths. At first I scored 82.5/100. Then, added 0.5 mark to make it 83/100. Then, because a question that I worked so hard for and got 3 marks got voided, my marks dropped to 80/97. I bet that's the first time that ever happened! And, it's NOT THE SAME PERCENTAGE. 20/20 Booklet A, 11/20 Booklet B, 49/57 Paper 2. 


For Science, well, you know the marks. No? If I have to, 80/100. That's like, 80%!/8/10/eight-tenth of the full marks! The paper really wasted a lot of paper. Like, 39 printed pages for the whole thing. I only got 2 wrong for Booklet A which means 56/60 and Booklet B 24/40. 24 is quite bad but when you compare it to the total, that's quite good.


That's all. It's the first time I've had the post in this format. I cut it up into sections. Hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading and vote in my poll. DO IT! DO IT NOW!!! By the way, you should check out Cheezburger Websites, they're really funny and exciting. They also update daily. Here's some of them:

Failbook - For all your Facebook fails!
Friends Of Irony
Bob's House of Video Games
The Art Of Trolling


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Youth Olympic Games (YOG)

The Youth Olympic games. Otherwise known as the YOG. It is the first YOG and it is held in my home country, Singapore. It runs from 14 Aug - 26 Aug. It bring the action right to the people in the heartlands. If you don't know what 'heartlands' means, it means like, the place where most residents stay(i.e. Not downtown or in the main city). 

Now, if you don't know, this is the first ever Youth Olympic Games. The thing is, Singapore will probably NEVER EVER IN 800 YEARS host the YOG again. Why? Take the FIFA World Cup for example. Russia could host it, China could host it. Did they host it? No. Mexico have hosted it. England have, Korea/Japan have. Just don't host it in USA. Americans don't appreciate the beauty of the sport. 

Now to how we got to host the YOG. Singapore made a bid. The final decision was made in 2008. The answer is obvious who won. Like, duh. If not, SG wouldn't be having the YOG right now. The vote was between Singapore and Russia. SG won, obviously. Hundreds(possibly thousands but I doubt it) of Singaporeans cheered at the moment that it was announced that Singapore would be hosting the YOG. With that, thousands of SGans were happy beyond their wildest dreams. Unless they have had better dreams, of course.

Hosting the Youth Olympic Games was something that would have been unimaginable only 40 years ago. Why? Firstly because the YOG didn't exist around that time and people probably weren't thinking of creating it anytime soon. And secondly, Singapore wasn't a 1st-World country like how it is today. SG went to 3rd-World to 1st-World in a time span of about 25 years. That itself is a remarkable achievement.

Now to the YOG. Now, the Asian Youth Games(AYG) was a flop. I didn't even watch a single second of it. Not even of the opening or closing ceremonies. But the YOG, I have watched a few hours of it. At first, people thought that YOG would also suck because the AYG was a flop and because there's not a lot of known athletes. Just youths. 

But they were wrong. The YOG so far has been exciting and has had many great moments in all 26 sports. I'm sure I can name all of them:

  1. Track & Field
  2. Fencing
  3. Wrestling
  4. Weightlifting
  5. Badminton
  6. Taekwondo
  7. Archery
  8. Swimming
  9. Tennis
  10. Javelin
  11. FOOTBALL!!!(SG 3-2 Montenegro)
  12. Sailing
  13. Diving
  14. Boxing
  15. Basketball
  16. Gymnastics
  17. Judo
  18. Modern Penathalon(No idea what this is, got it from official website)
  19. Rowing(Official Website)
  20. Volleyball(Official Website)
  21. Handball(Official Website)
  22. Equestrian(Horse-riding, Official Website)
  23. Canoe/Kayak(Official Website)
  24. Cycling
  25. Hockey
  26. Shooting(Official Website)
The ones that have "(Official Website) next to them are the ones that I got from the official website. It was a little help. Yeah, I can't remember ALL 26 sports but I remember most of the sports. I'm pro. ProGoal. Hahahaha. So far, the YOG has been good.

Singapore's achievements. While we feel very malu(Malay for embarassed), we are quite happy for our athletes. We're malu because we are hosting and we haven't won many medals. But that's alright. Just see when my friend does Track & Field in 4 years time. He beat the Japanese Sports School's 2.4km run record. Yeah. Congrats to Rainer Ng for Silver medal and Nurul .... for Taekwondo Bronze medal. 

Keep cheering for Team Singapore!

No flicking!

Recently, I watched Man Utd v Newcastle. The result: Man Utd 3-0 Newcastle Utd. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is Mio TV. If you read my previous blog post, I said that the match would probably keep flicking. Guess what? I was wrong.

During the whole match, there wasn't even a single flicker. It flicked during the Community Shield but not on this match. However, IMO, I still believe that at the moment, Mio TV is only good for watching sports.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Mio TV

Mio TV. By Singtel. It's the latest(and suckiest) set-top box in Singapore. StarHub Cable is really much better. That's why they call it SCV - Starhub Cable Vision. It used to be called "Singapore Cable Vision" but that was last time. 

Now, Mio TV came out in 2007. Till now, it is still no good. Only got it in March this year. And, I can say that the channels really suck. They have crap news channels and really bad channels. Whenever I actually turn on Mio TV, I immediately go to the Free-To-Air channels. 

On Mio, the only 2 good non-FTA channels are KBS World and Granada TV. And you can find both of them on Starhub. Starhub's channels are really really good. Recently, Starhub changed the channel numbers to group them according to genre. At first, I thought it really wasn't gonna be good. But now, 3 months in, it's quite useful. I can easily know which groups to stay away from. The 300-399 group which is Kids, 600-699 group which is Movies(I keep away because I barely have any movie channels. And, the 800-899 group which is Chinese. I hast no Chinese channels and the only channels I go to in that group are 897 - Playin' TV and 899 - Interactive TV. Interactive TV is really useful. Use it for Weather and Movie Listings.

The recent 2010 FIFA World Cup. It cost about $72 for early bird subscription and $90 for subscriptions after 31st May. Why was it so high? Well, because SingTel secured the right to air the Barclays Premier League and the UEFA Champions League on their MioTV. You gotta admit, the Singaporean world would be much better if SingTel didn't make a pay-TV service in the first place. 

Having the Premier League being broadcasted on MioTV only raised the cost of living for Singaporeans. I mean, we had to get another set-top box. Go through the complications of setting up MioTV in our homes. Sometimes the signal really sucks. Even MioTV's FTA broadcasts are many seconds behind Starhub's. I have no idea as to why. Starhub uses cable to transmit and SingTel uses phone lines to transmit. In other words, no phone line/cut phone line/crappy phone line=Crappy Mio signal.

Football so far. The season has just about started. But before that, there was the FA Community Shield which Man United won(YES!!!). Occasionally, the images would flicker. On Starhub, it never flickers. This is a sign. It's very specific. It reads..."Don't transmit through phone lines"... whoa double rainbow so intense! Yes, flick flick flick. Just flick through the yellow flick road. *One of those end-singing-part-music-thingys-here*

So, later(at time of post), I'm gonna watch Man Utd v Newcastle Utd at 3am on MioTV. I hope that it will be a good experience and that SingTel (eventually) fix the many many flickers problem. SingTel to me is only good for phones because I can use with it. Haha. So, on 20/8/2010, I'm gonna write and post a blog post about the YOG. Yeah, in my own country. FTW! In other words, 20/8/2010 means 20th August 2010 or August 20th 2010. Oh,and vote in my poll. :) ***Does Criss Angel style eating of camera except this time eating laptop***


Thursday, August 12, 2010

YOG Journey Of The Youth Olympic Flame

So earlier today, I went to see 2 of my friends. Not just for a usual occasion. They got a chance to run with the YOG torch. Isn't that amazing. How would YOU feel if you got a chance to carry the YOG torch? Anyway, here are some pics:

This is my friend running with the torch

Front of YOG Journey of The Youth Olympic Flame bus

The back of it
Samsung YOG bus. Chelsea FC sucks.
About to reach
The atmosphere there was awesome. For me, once in a lifetime. Never gonna get the experience again. Let's get this blog's Unique IP hit counter up to 1000! Tell your brother about this blog. Your mother, your father. On second thought, think about telling your parents about the blog. Your sister, your other sister, your dog, your neighbour's dog, your pet rock, your other pet rock, the garden of pet rocks or even anyone else. ;)

Cheer on Team Singapore!!!

The police just don't seem to care...

So a few days earlier on 9th August, I went out. My whole family went out. We went to my grandmother's house. Well, I guess it was timely as we have not gone to her house in quite a long time.

My grandmother lived a simple life at Block 1 in Holland Village. It was a 1-room HDB unit. Compared to my family's 5-room HDB unit. Holland village was the place in Singapore to experience the good ol' days. Even though I didn't exist then. Pfft. There are many senior citizens living there. 

All that's in her house are a fridge, plates, cups/mugs, rice cooker, pots and pans, a kitchen sink, television, table, sofa, soap, a toilet bowl, bleach, washing machine, ermmm......etc. That's not what I wanted to say, actually. I meant that just a TV and a radio. Those are the only electronic forms of entertainment. That is, unless you can get entertainment out of a fridge. 

Pic belongs to owner. Myspace thru Google search. Myspace--Time to get a Facebook.


We were there for a few hours, watching the National Day Parade. IMO, this year's NDP was actually quite boring. Okay, maybe I can't criticize it. After all, I only watched about 2 hours. So, then we went home. We went to Yew Tee to get the raw rice. Rice grains. Yes.

So then,  me and my bro went home together because we decided we wouldn't stick around with the rest. We brought the raw rice home. After a while, we decided that we would walk home. It was my idea :). Blogger doesn't support smileys? Dang.

Here comes the weird part. So, we were jaywalking. There was a pedestrian crossing not too far from there. About maybe, 50 metres. So, while we were on the barrier that serves as a road divider from one side to the other. Then, suddenly, a police car passed by. I was like," OH SNAP! WE'RE GONNA GET FINED!". Well, in my head anyway. "In my head, you'll be screaming 'ohhhhh'!!!" Wait, what? O.o

I really thought we were gonna get fined. I mean, c'mon. There was a 'No Jaywalking' sign right in front of us. Then, the police car just kept driving on. I was relieved. And in my head, I was kinda laughing. I was like, " This is going on my blog". And it is. right now.

Then, my bro said,"I guess the police have better things to do that fine jaywalkers." That is an awesome quote.

"I guess the police have better things to do than fine jaywalkers"
- My brother

Then, we just walked home. Relaxed at home. Just take a breather. Yeah...

So, that's my 9th August 2o1o day. Now, as a muslim, I'm fasting. The first day was not too bad. I did get a bit thirsty. Now, it's the 2nd day. I have to admit, it's kinda a bit hard. I can easily take it. It can like, help me lose weight(yeah, more efficient if I excercise too). So, vote on my poll. Subscribe too! 

You don't have to come and confess,

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Singapore National Day

The post has finally come. My post about Singapore's National Day. In America, you would call it "Independence Day". In Malaysia, "Hari Kebangsaan". In Singapore, National Day. National Day falls on the 9th of August every year. It was on this day 45 years ago Singapore seperated from Malaysia and became an Independent country.

Now for a little history lesson. On 9th August 1965, Singapore seperated from Malaysia. We were finally an Independent country after being merged with Malaysia for quite some time. Mind you, I'm still quite young and I don't know much about Singapore history. In fact, I've barely learnt Singapore history in school.

It was a sad moment for the people in Singapore. We were kicked out of Malaysia and were left alone. Against all odds, we had to build a nation of our own. Many people said that Singapore won't make it. But we did. 

If you think about it, it is a remarkable achievement for Singapore to become the way it is now. We have some of the world's highest standards of living, excellent sanitation and poverty in Singapore is quite low. There are lots of places for kids to run around and play, senior citizens to gather and tourist spots in Singapore. Even if the tourist spots are mostly visited by locals. lol.

We are a young country. Younger than some big countries like America, Italy and the UK. Yet, our standards are sometimes better than them. We might have a population of about 4.7 million, but all those people make up one excellent country. It is easy to make friends in Singapore. You can just find some random guy walking around on pathways and make friends with him. Your classmates in school, maybe even an audience member sitting right next to you.

Irony. Singaporeans looovvveeee to eat. But, there are really a lot of thin people in Singapore. Our favourite pasttime is eating but we barely seem to grow fatter. Then there's a "Litter Free Singapore" trashcan picture I found on the internet a few months back. It's surrounded by litter. Lol. Thanks everybody for lots of people coming to my blog. Recently past the 700 mark.

700 Unique! Wow! Something unthinkable just a few weeks ago. 

Singapore will stay as "One People, One Nation, One Singapore". We had our tourism slogan changed from "Uniquely Singapore" to "YourSingapore" recently. It sounds crappy but it's actually quite good.

The National Day Parade shown annually on MediaCorp Channel 5 from 5.30pm on 9th August is great. If you actually get tickets to go to the parade, you'll get goodie bags, all the good stuff. It showcases Singapore talent. Every year after The NDP, there'll be an entertainment show. 2008 was 'Live The Dream', 2009 was "Singapore Idol" and 2010 will be '"One Moment of Glory(OMG)"'. I hope that's gonna turn out well.

I know this really post really isn't much about National Day, but I tried my best. I really can't get ALL the information out of my head. I don't know that much. Until next time!

One People One Nation One Singapore!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Follow this Blog

It's August and in about a week it's gonna be my country, Singapore's National Day/Independence Day/Day of Independence/The Day that We Separated from Malaysia. Before I start anything, I'm gonna say this. Follow This Blog. Right here:Follow


Just pick one! IT'S ALL THE SAME!

In a few days I will be posting about National Day which falls on 9th August. Stay tuned and Follow this blog to receive the latest updates!


Hasta la vista baby,
