Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Terminator

Recently, I have been getting a lot of visitors. Thanks for that. Seriously. It's been like, 65-70 in 1 week. Usually, the most I get per week is about 9. I bet my hit counter summary will be interesting. I am not gonna post many posts from 29 July to 3rd July. This is because I will be having my P6 Preliminary Exams. It's the last school exam before my Primary School Leaving Examination(PSLE).

Now, on to something interesting. The Terminator. It's the series that you love. I love. Arnold Schwarznegger. The perfect actor for it. I just can't think of anybody else to play the terminator. And no, the Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles do not count. I'm just talking about the movies.

There was the first movie. The Terminator. In 1984, James Cameron(the director of Avatar) co-writ The Terminator. It starred Arnold Schwarznegger. With the movie also came quotes. Until today those quotes are still very popular. Such as:

I'll be back
-The Terminator

Get to the chopper!
-The Terminator

Do it!
-The Terminator

Those quotes might be short but they are really good. Then in 1991 came Terminator 2: Judgement day. IMO, some of the best quotes actually came from there. I can still remember the script of the whole scene. It was like this:

John Connor: No, no, no, no. You gotta listen to the way people talk. You don't say "affirmative", or some shit like that. You say "no problemo". And if someone comes on to you with an attitude you say "eat me". And if you want to shine them on it's "hasta la vista, baby".

Hasta la vista, baby
-Terminator 2 : Judgement Day

Then came the 3rd Terminator. The one not directed or even co-written by James Cameron. Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines. To me, this was a really crappy Terminator. The first 2 Terminators were awesome. I think it's because of the director. Furthermore, according to what Wikipedia says, the quotes did not match up to what T1 and T2:JD had. 

That is it for now. Please DO follow my blog. It is really interesting as I sometimes give reviews, critiques and even comedy. If you're lucky you get comedy. 

Recommend this blog to all your friends and get more people to come to my blog. Thank you for the 200+ repeated visitors(started @ 100) and the 160+ Unique visitors.

See you again next week,

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