Sunday, July 25, 2010

100 Unique IPs!

I have finally hit 100 unique IPs coming to my blog. This is awesome. After about 5 months, I finally reached 100 unique IPs. In other news, I have added a Total Visits Counter. It's in digital and might look like the matrix. WHOA DOUBLE RAINBOWS! Oh wait, I mean, WHOA THE MATRIX! o.O

I just found this video on YouTube. If you watch it for like, even 30 seconds, your eyesight will seem like you're underwater. Don't worry, it's not a screamer, and the effect will take(at most) 45 seconds. That was a rough estimate. Here it is:

 If you want that underwater effect, watch it. If you want the effect to last for quite a somewhat long time. Watch the vid and then look at something. Anything. Anything that's not the wall because well, that won't be interesting.

Get more people coming to my blog,

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