Thursday, June 3, 2010

boring boring holidays

Well, school is over and here comes the boring holidays. Sure, i actually love holidays but it's gonna be quite boring. I mean, there's gonna be nothing to do. My PS2 is broken, my bike is having problems, i only get to use the laptop at night, etc.

Going to have to go back to school on the 1st and 3rd week for supplementary lessons so i kinda have a chance to meet up with friends again. Well, when you're bored, you'll do ANYTHING!

In other news, I passed my 1.6km walk/run with flying colours! Got a time of 10:07! A new record! I actually could have gotten 3rd but in the last about.....7(?) laps my foot felt like it had a sharp pain. Until now(3/6/2010), my foot is still painful. I predict that it will probably take about one month of rest to heal. But now it feels quite ok actually. I just can't run.

EDIT: Supplementary classes were really boring. 2nd day 3 hrs of English/Science and 4th day English/Science 3 hrs straight! Aw man! - 3/6/2010

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